Unlock the secret to better health and wellbeing for life

In the world of commitments and distractions, finding time for yourself can feel impossible. Yet, prioritising your health is crucial for a fulfilling life.

OM12 is a personalised 12-week programme led by health practitioner and multidisciplinary wellness coach, Ola Daniewska.

Ola will work one-on-one with you to provide a holistic roadmap for a complete mind-body transformation, empowering you to feel better, with more vitality and strength.

OM12 can help you:

  • Create better health and wellbeing habits

  • Feel more energised, focused and strong

  • Improve your diet, sleep and fitness

  • Manage stress and feel calm

  • Rediscover a lust for life

Together we will unlock your health


“I went from a ball of nervous energy and stress to feeling better in two weeks. I now have the tools to manage my health and wellbeing - outstanding results!”

Steve, tech entrepreneur

“Ola empowered me with tools that bring wellness on an everyday basis. Overall I am calmer, more grounded and stronger.”

Sarah, author

“I learnt how to prioritise my health and wellbeing, I’m more in tune with myself and know how to live better. I honestly can’t recommend this program enough.”

Imogen, singer

12 weeks to profound wellness —

12 weeks to profound wellness —